As of

# Total Athlete G GP Dem DP City
1 1634 Erin Schmidt F 1 F40+ 1 West Montrose, ON
2 1633 Marius Florea M 1 M40+ 1 Kitchener, ON
3 1587 Ian Grzegorczyk M 2 M40- 1 Waterloo, ON
4 1500 Ian Schmidt M 3 M40- 2 West Montrose, ON
5 1494 Amy Bloemberg F 2 F40- 1 Drayton, ON
6 1473 Karlee Craig F 3 F40+ 2 Waterloo, ON
7 1469 Robert Brouillette M 4 M40- 3 Cambridge, ON
8 1400 Jack Kilislian M 5 M40+ 2 East York, ON
9 1361 Brendan McFarlane M 6 M40- 4 Waterloo, ON
10 1331 Bob Cater M 7 M40+ 3 Cambridge, ON
11 1287 Tom McFarlane M 8 M40+ 4 Waterloo, ON
12 1220 Rebecca Girolametto F 4 F40- 2 Waterloo, ON
13 1205 Lumi Duca F 5 F40+ 3 Waterloo, ON
14 1177 Jennifer Abbinett F 6 F40+ 4 Kitchener, ON
15 1162 Tyler Dalton M 9 M40- 5 Waterloo, ON
16 1129 Debbie Iwanyzki F 7 F40+ 5 Wilsonville, ON
17 1074 Alexander Tohivsky M 10 M40- 6 Waterloo, ON
18 1032 Tim Proulx M 11 M40+ 5 Waterloo, ON
19 1032 Louise Boulay F 8 F40+ 6 Cambridge, ON
20 986 John Palmer M 12 M40+ 6 Ayr, ON
21 986 Dave Rutherford M 13 M40+ 7 Waterloo, ON
22 955 Vicki Zandbergen F 9 F40+ 7 Kitchener, ON
23 949 Shane Wilmot M 14 M40+ 8 Cambridge, ON
24 916 Antoine Gauthier M 15 M40- 7 Waterloo, ON
25 909 Gary Longster M 16 M40+ 9 Baden, ON
26 902 Maryann Solomon F 10 F40+ 8 St. Clements, ON
27 897 Ian McCreery M 17 M40- 8 Innerkip, ON
28 894 Sarah Heesaker F 11 F40- 3 Waterloo, ON
29 889 Michael Redhead M 18 M40+ 10 Kitchener, ON
30 878 Tim Coleman M 19 M40+ 11 Waterloo, ON
31 870 John Schmidt M 20 M40+ 12 West Montrose, ON
32 861 Linda Umbrico F 12 F40+ 9 Kitchener, ON
33 852 Jordan Schmidt M 21 M40- 9 Kitchener, ON
34 838 Ivy Friedman F 13 F40+ 10 Waterloo, ON
35 832 Roman Baiboussinov M 22 M40+ 13 Kitchener, ON
36 826 Ori Friedman M 23 M40+ 14 Waterloo, ON
37 816 Jenni Lowry F 14 F40- 4 Waterloo, ON
38 808 Andre Peres M 24 M40+ 15 Kitchener, ON
39 797 Merlin Frey M 25 M40+ 16 Elmira, ON
40 791 Evelyn Armes F 15 F40- 5 Bright, ON
41 769 Devendra Ram M 26 M40- 10 Cambridge, ON
42 745 Eric Lotimer M 27 M40+ 17 Waterloo, ON
43 730 Joe Barnes M 28 M40+ 18 Kitchener, ON
44 720 Cole Desborough M 29 M40- 11 Kitchener, ON
45 719 Jordan Van Dyk M 30 M40- 12 Kitchener, ON
46 718 Vadim Lavric M 31 M40- 13 Kitchener, ON
47 709 Jonah Istifan M 32 M40- 14 Kitchener, ON
48 696 Ange Zinger F 16 F40+ 11 Maryhill, ON
49 691 Yifan Wu F 17 F40- 6 Waterloo, ON
50 686 Maureen Pecknold F 18 F40+ 12 Toronto, ON
51 677 Jeffrey Wallbank M 33 M40- 15 Kitchener, ON
52 666 Marjolein Wijbenga-Groot F 19 F40+ 13 Cambridge, ON
53 653 Christoph Kessel M 34 M40+ 19 Guelph, ON
54 618 Rebecca Kruisselbrink F 20 F40- 7 New Hamburg, ON
55 592 Trevor Bauman M 35 M40+ 20 Elmira, ON
56 580 Catherine Schmidt F 21 F40- 8 Kitchener, ON
57 578 Dwight Zinger M 36 M40+ 21 Maryhill, ON
58 571 Denis Allen M 37 M40+ 22 Kitchener, ON
59 562 Destiny Rhame F 22 F40- 9 Drayton, ON
60 561 Robert Humphreys M 38 M40+ 23 Waterloo, ON
61 552 Chris Donnelly M 39 M40+ 24 Breslau, ON
62 546 Elizabeth Riccomini F 23 F40+ 14 Cambridge, ON
63 541 Nancy Day F 24 F40+ 15 Waterloo, ON
64 525 Gary Gravelle M 40 M40+ 25 New Hamburg, ON
65 513 Brigitte Kralt F 25 F40- 10 Waterloo, ON
66 506 Stephanie Whitney F 26 F40+ 16 Waterloo, ON
67 502 Mark Roest M 41 M40+ 26 Waterloo, ON
68 491 Jonah Schmidt M 42 M40- 16 West Montrose, ON
69 489 Jamieson Cox M 43 M40- 17 Waterloo, ON
70 470 Paul Wagner M 44 M40+ 27 Waterloo, ON
71 462 Dave Borch M 45 M40- 18 Kitchener, ON
72 462 Alicia Erz F 27 F40+ 17 Waterloo, ON
73 460 Terry Labach M 46 M40+ 28 Waterloo, ON
74 460 Michael Stork M 47 M40- 19 Waterloo, ON
75 447 Carol Stewart F 28 F40+ 18 Waterloo, ON
76 446 Cory George M 48 M40+ 29 Waterloo, ON
77 441 Josh Aagaard M 49 M40- 20 Waterloo, ON
78 428 Heidi Engelhardt F 29 F40+ 19 Waterloo, ON
79 424 Megan Chadwick F 30 F40+ 20 Kitchener, ON
80 423 Mitchel Gomes M 50 M40- 21 Kitchener, ON
81 415 Tracey Sinclair F 31 F40+ 21 Kitchener, ON
82 413 Bruce Grant M 51 M40+ 30 St. Clements, ON
83 405 Vince Riemer M 52 M40+ 31 Cambridge, ON
84 391 Jessica Roy F 32 F40+ 22 Kitchener, ON
85 390 Aidan Kelly M 53 M40+ 32 Guelph, ON
86 381 Peter Baxter M 54 M40+ 33 Waterloo, ON
87 373 Kristin Donnelly F 33 F40+ 23 Breslau, ON
88 364 Noreen Gnitzinger F 34 F40+ 24 Waterloo, ON
89 362 Shelley Vossen F 35 F40+ 25 Waterloo, ON
90 355 Greg Huszarik M 55 M40- 22 Baden, ON
91 296 Mike Nicholson M 56 M40+ 34 Cambridge, ON
92 294 Jeanette Thompson F 36 F40+ 26 Cambridge, ON
93 286 Stephen-James Bent M 57 M40- 23 Wroxeter, ON
94 278 Yiyao Duan M 58 M40- 24 Mississauga, ON
95 277 Jon Milton M 59 M40- 25 Paris, ON
96 276 Tristan Boutilier M 60 M40+ 35 Kitchener, ON
97 274 Natasha Blenkhorn F 37 F40- 11 Waterloo, ON
98 271 Peighton Donnelly F 38 F40- 12 Breslau, ON
99 269 Molly Brawdy F 39 F40- 13 Waterloo, ON
100 267 Peter Meades M 61 M40+ 36 Holmesville, ON
101 261 Liz Vernon-Wilson F 40 F40+ 27 Waterloo, ON
102 257 Katelyn Borch F 41 F40- 14 Kitchener, ON
103 248 Steve Blenkhorn M 62 M40+ 37 Waterloo, ON
104 245 Yaser Tesqie M 63 M40- 26 Milton, ON
105 238 Dave Flynn M 64 M40+ 38 Waterloo, ON
106 237 Olivier Asselin M 65 M40- 27 Kitchener, ON
107 236 Mitch Wilson M 66 M40+ 39 Waterloo, ON
108 236 Tracy Mann F 42 F40+ 28 Waterloo, ON
109 233 Veronica Henninger F 43 F40- 15 Kitchener, ON
110 230 Scott Wahl M 67 M40+ 40 Waterloo, ON
111 225 Christian Savoni M 68 M40- 28 Kitchener, ON
112 220 Michelle Lennox F 44 F40+ 29 Waterloo, ON
113 218 Colin Henninger M 69 M40+ 41 Kitchener, ON
114 217 Tyler Struyk M 70 M40- 29 Baden, ON
115 217 David Connolly M 71 M40+ 42 New Hamburg, ON
116 208 Michel Pawlicz M 72 M40+ 43 Kitchener, ON
117 203 Terry Gaudet M 73 M40+ 44 Waterloo, ON
118 202 Kelly Fraser F 45 F40+ 30 Waterloo, ON
119 198 Olivia Yamoah F 46 F40- 16 Kitchener, ON
120 194 John Summers M 74 M40+ 45 Waterloo, ON
121 193 Graham Stonebridge M 75 M40- 30 Kitchener, ON
122 190 Derek Hergott M 76 M40+ 46 Waterloo, ON
123 190 Debora Costa F 47 F40- 17 Kitchener, ON
124 188 Brett Bigger F 48 F40+ 31 Waterloo, ON
125 186 Holger Kleinke M 77 M40+ 47 Waterloo, ON
126 174 Luba Yamoah F 49 F40+ 32 Kitchener, ON
127 173 Lisa Gordon F 50 F40- 18 Wellington County, ON
128 172 Linsay Flood F 51 F40+ 33 Kitchener, ON
129 172 Kim Carr F 52 F40+ 34 New Hamburg, ON
130 170 Katherine Willis F 53 F40+ 35 Cambridge, ON
131 167 Anna Whitzman F 54 F40- 19 Kitchener, ON
132 167 Merzi Dastoor M 78 M40+ 48 Waterloo, ON
133 164 Isaac Yamoah M 79 M40+ 49 Kitchener, ON
134 163 Bill Walkey M 80 M40- 31 New Hamburg, ON
135 162 Wendy Czyz F 55 F40- 20 Cambridge, ON
136 152 Derek Phillips M 81 M40+ 50 Waterloo, ON
137 145 Tim Beyer M 82 M40+ 51 Listowel, ON
138 135 Bruno Jorge M 83 M40- 32 Waterloo, ON
139 132 Margret Nodwell F 56 F40+ 36 New Hamburg, ON
140 130 Stephen Benn M 84 M40+ 52 New Dundee, ON
141 120 Paul Mora M 85 M40+ 53 Toronto, ON
142 116 Emily Wilken F 57 F40- 21 Kitchener, ON
143 113 Frank Yuzefowich M 86 M40+ 54 Waterloo, ON
144 110 Alex Kinsella M 87 M40+ 55 Kitchener, ON
145 102 Ken B Anderson M 88 M40+ 56 Kitchener, ON

Results © 1978-2025 Run Waterloo. Owned and maintained by Run Waterloo. For more information, contact