Results: 2020 Lose the goose Mile

Oct. 1, 2020 - Kitchener, ON   

Year Distance Filter
# Bib Name Time G GP Cat CP Pace City
1 Ian Grzegorczyk 0:05:23 M 1 October 7 1 3:21 Waterloo
2 Matt King 0:05:24 M 2 October 4 1 3:21 Waterloo
3 Jason Gordon 0:05:41 M 3 October 1 1 3:32 Kitchener
4 Azaan Sayani 0:05:41 M 4 October 4 2 3:32 Waterloo
5 Tim Proulx 0:05:48 M 5 October 2 1 3:36 Waterloo
6 Marcus Smith 0:05:56 M 6 October 4 3 3:41 Kitchener
7 Chris Schmid 0:05:57 M 7 October 1 2 3:42 Waterloo
8 Cory George 0:06:02 M 8 October 2 2 3:45 Waterloo
9 Rebecca Kruisselbrink 0:06:08 F 1 Other 1 3:49 Kitchener
10 Michael Stork 0:06:11 M 9 October 6 1 3:51 Waterloo
11 Peter Van Driel 0:06:18 M 10 October 1 3 3:55 Waterloo
12 Jonah Schmidt 0:06:24 M 11 October 1 4 3:59 West Montrose
13 Tim Coleman 0:06:35 M 12 October 7 2 4:05 Waterloo
14 Rob Bertram 0:06:39 M 13 October 7 3 4:08 Waterloo
15 Calvin Fraser 0:06:40 M 14 Other 2 4:09 Waterloo
16 Jessica Schmidt 0:06:41 F 2 October 1 5 4:09 West Montrose
17 Greg Weiler 0:06:43 M 15 October 4 4 4:10 St. Agatha
18 John Palmer 0:06:44 M 16 October 2 3 4:11 Ayr
19 Ori Friedman 0:06:47 M 17 October 4 5 4:13 Waterloo
20 Catherine Schmidt 0:06:55 F 3 October 6 2 4:18 Kitchener
21 Dwight Zinger 0:06:57 M 18 October 1 6 4:19 Maryhill
22 Erin Schmidt 0:07:03 F 4 October 1 7 4:23 West Montrose
23 Lumi Duca 0:07:04 F 5 October 4 6 4:23 waterloo
24 William Spaetzel 0:07:08 M 19 October 7 4 4:26 Kitchener
25 Paul McGrath 0:07:11 M 20 October 13 1 4:28 Waterloo
26 Liz Vernon-Wilson 0:07:12 F 6 October 2 4 4:28 Waterloo
27 Jeanette Thompson 0:07:20 F 7 October 13 2 4:33 Cambridge
28 Brian Hollas 0:07:22 M 21 October 1 8 4:35 Waterloo
29 Ivy Friedman 0:07:22 F 8 October 4 7 4:35 Waterloo
30 Elisabeta Hull 0:07:22 F 9 October 7 5 4:35 Guelph
31 Brian Brodie 0:07:23 M 22 October 4 8 4:35 Kitchener
32 Kelly Fraser 0:07:27 F 10 October 4 9 4:38 Waterloo
33 Kristina Prell 0:07:29 F 11 October 13 3 4:39 Waterloo
34 John Schmidt 0:07:34 M 23 October 1 9 4:42 West Montrose
35 David Van Bakel 0:07:42 M 24 October 4 10 4:47 Waterloo
36 Rebecca Koroll 0:07:44 F 12 October 7 6 4:48 Waterloo
37 Marjolein Wijbenga-Groot 0:07:46 F 13 October 13 4 4:50 Cambridge
38 Jessica Roy 0:07:48 F 14 October 2 5 4:51 Kitchener
39 Eleanor McGrath 0:07:53 F 15 October 13 5 4:54 Waterloo
40 Angela Zinger 0:07:59 F 16 October 1 10 4:58 Maryhill
41 Valerie MacDonald 0:08:12 F 17 October 7 7 5:06 Kitchener
42 Marina Selioukova 0:08:20 F 18 October 13 6 5:11 Cambridge
43 Michael Fowler 0:08:20 M 25 Other 3 5:11 Waterloo
44 Pat Hollas 0:08:22 F 19 October 1 11 5:12 Waterloo
45 Rebecca Girolametto 0:08:22 F 20 Other 4 5:12 Waterloo
46 Emma Walpole Bartlett 0:08:25 F 21 October 4 11 5:14 Waterloo
47 Ian Schmidt 0:08:30 M 26 October 1 12 5:17 West Montrose
48 Nicole Larocque 0:08:42 F 22 Other 5 5:24 New Hamburg
49 Cari Van Niekerk 0:08:50 F 23 October 7 8 5:29 New Dundee
50 Valerie Sifton 0:08:53 F 24 October 6 3 5:31 Waterloo
51 Carol Stewart 0:09:09 F 25 October 2 6 5:41 Waterloo
52 Meredith Wemp 0:09:18 F 26 October 7 9 5:47 Kitchener
53 Jason Chow 0:09:19 M 27 October 7 10 5:47 Kitchener
54 Lisa Chow 0:09:21 F 27 October 7 11 5:49 Kitchener
55 Adrienne Farrell 0:09:28 F 28 October 13 7 5:53 Kitchener
56 Linsay Flood 0:09:36 F 29 Other 6 5:58 Kitchener
57 Kristin Donnelly 0:10:01 F 30 October 4 12 6:13 Breslau
58 Cindy Shirley 0:10:05 F 31 October 4 13 6:16 Waterloo
59 Jen Williams 0:10:10 F 32 October 4 14 6:19 Waterloo
60 Tony Bridges 0:10:13 M 28 October 13 8 6:21 Breslau
61 Jennifer Abbinett 0:10:21 F 33 October 4 15 6:26 Kitchener
62 Erin Bracken 0:10:22 F 34 October 13 9 6:26 Cambridge
63 Denise Coleman 0:10:24 F 35 October 13 10 6:28 Waterloo
64 Sonya Latchman 0:10:25 F 36 October 4 16 6:28 Waterloo
65 Michelle Purkis 0:10:31 F 37 October 13 11 6:32 Kitchener
66 Kim Strassburger 0:11:09 F 38 October 13 12 6:56 Breslau
67 Mary Kelly 0:11:11 F 39 October 7 12 6:57 Kitchener
68 Christina Koenig 0:11:12 F 40 October 7 13 6:58 Waterloo
69 Asifa Rahim 0:11:38 F 41 Other 7 7:14 Waterloo
70 Wendy Patton 0:13:20 F 42 October 1 13 8:17 Kitchener
71 Rene Belanger 0:14:34 M 29 Other 8 9:03 Cambridge

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