2019 Score Report for: Vicki Zandbergen

Total Points: 1793.75  | Event Finishes: 15
Gender Place: 12  | Demographic Place: 4
Event Time GP Merit Boosters Points Counts
Waterloo Classic 3 KM 0:17:57 13/74 82.43 282.43
Fall Classic 5 KM 0:19:47 17/297 94.28 264.28
Harvest Half Marathon 1:33:54 4/91 95.60 215.60
Laurier Loop 2.5 KM 0:10:34 9/93 90.32 210.32
Downtown Kitchener Mile 0:07:08 5/41 87.80 207.80
ENDURrun 10 MI 1:15:52 4/31 87.10 207.10
ENDURrun Marathon 3:34:15 3/19 84.21 204.21
Re-Fridgee-Eighter 8 MI 0:57:50 9/50 82.00 202.00
ENDURrun Half Marathon 1:35:38 5/27 81.48 201.48
ENDURrun 10 KM 0:44:47 5/25 80.00 200.00
Santa Pur-suit 5 KM 0:21:34 1/98 98.98 198.98
ENDURrun 15 KM 1:09:16 6/24 75.00 195.00
ENDURrun 25.6 KM 2:39:11 6/23 73.91 193.91
ENDURrun 30 KM 2:38:58 7/25 72.00 192.00
Riverside Roughly Five 0:26:20 4/47 91.49 191.49

RW Boost Rules
Points count for the top 8 events, including a maximum of 4 ENDURrun events.
Event points calculated as follows:
  100 for finishing a timed event
  + Merit points (1 - (gender place / gender finishers)) * 100
  + Boosters
= Classic (50 points) - Finishing one of the two Classic races
= PB (30 points) - RW personal best for the distance (including first time running that distance)
= Ditto (20 points) - Repeating a race from last year (any event/distance)

Results © 1978-2025 Run Waterloo. Owned and maintained by Run Waterloo. For more information, contact results@runwaterloo.com.